Wednesday, August 20, 2014

A generous abundance of kindness

I've been trying this thing lately. Essentially, if I have a positive experience when doing something--no matter how tiny the "positive" aspect may have been--I try to compliment the other person involved.

For instance, I might order coffee from my friendly neighborhood coffee joint. If I don't wait long to receive it, I'll say "Wow, you're fast!" A small compliment to be sure, but there's also a really good chance that the tiny compliment I just passed on significantly brightened that person's day.

And who the heck wouldn't want that?

Frankly, I enjoy being happy. And in similar fashion, I enjoy being around happy people. I also enjoy making people happy! Happiness is kind of a thing for me, if you couldn't tell.

So I think about reciprocity a lot. I think reciprocity is one of those things that we're all, as humans, inclined to take for granted. It's so easy to think only of yourself, particularly in a society so driven by technology. The very essence of technology makes it possible to live in your own little bubble, without ever having to interact with other people face-to-face. That makes it even easier to forget other people's feelings, doesn't it?

The idea of reciprocity has been studied many times over, so I'm sure it's not shocking news for you to hear that people with a reputation for being helpful are more likely to be proactively offered help themselves. And if you've ever driven on the freeway, you've probably noticed that if someone is polite and allows you to merge easily, you're more inclined to do the same thing for other drivers. And in a business environment, the idea of reciprocity has even more interesting implications!

I think the idea of paying it forward has gotten a bit muddled in recent years, but what it really comes down to is a generosity of kindness. Be polite, say thank you, and if you think that cashier at the grocery store did a great job, tell her! Send your significant other a text message that says nothing but "You have a gorgeous smile." Get your coworker a cup of coffee from the break room. Open a door for a stranger. Give up your seat on the bus. You never know what kind of impact those small actions might make.

Go forth and make happiness!

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